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  • Writer's pictureChristine Robenalt, P.T.

Clean Up Your Room!

When was the last time you picked up your kid’s room? My guess is that you do it all day long. Imagine what your house might look like if you decided never to pick up. Even if you picked up, your kiddo is making such a mess that the toys, food wrappers, coloring pages etc are flowing out of the room into the hall and you can’t keep up. This “mess” in your house would eventually begin to irritate or inflame you. This “mess” could cause you to trip and get hurt. That actually did happen to me when I stepped on a Nerf gun on the steps and broke my pinky toe. Ouch! Anyway all of this “mess” can lead to a whole bunch of problems, not only in the short-term, but if left to continue, the mess is going to start to overrun your house. Guess what! Your house is a metaphor for what is happening in your body when you experience oxidative stress. Your kid could clean up after himself and if he would only do that, there wouldn’t be that mess, but that isn’t what typically happens. In your body, environmental, psychological and physical stress cause free radicals. Ideally, other cells would “clean up” the mess. And your body does a fairly good job of this as long as you are taking care of yourself. There are many ways free radicals are created in our bodies, but you have the power to limit your exposure. You have the power to eat a diet high in nutrient dense foods, including a variety of colors (the more colors, the more varied vitamins and anti-oxidants). You have the power to limit consuming food

You have the power to eat a diet high in nutrient dense foods, including a variety of colors (the more colors, the more varied vitamins and anti-oxidants).

s that cause oxidative stress. You have the power to turn this “mess” into your optimal wellness. Contact me to learn more about my programs.

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